Battling with Buffalo Bill (1931)

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Gambler Jim Rodney (Francis Ford) is after a gold strike and battles with Buffalo Bill Cody in twelve exciting chapters in this Universal serial. The story was written by Henry MacRae, suggested by Buffalo Bill Cody's "The Great West That Was." There is plenty of hard and fast horseback riding action in this serial, with Tom chasing the bad guys, tribes appearing in town, along with the standard abductions, escapes, and explosions. Note Tom's horse: a beautiful cremello named Tucker.

Battling with Buffalo Bill lobby cards lantern slide one sheets banner arcade card
Battling with Buffalo Bill arcade cards film stills
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Battling with Buffalo Bill screencaps
Battling with Buffalo Bill screencaps
Battling with Buffalo Bill screencaps
Battling with Buffalo Bill screencaps
Battling with Buffalo Bill screencaps
Battling with Buffalo Bill screencaps
Battling with Buffalo Bill screencaps
Battling with Buffalo Bill cinema ads
Battling with Buffalo Bill cinema ads film reviews
Battling with Buffalo Bill cinema ads film reviews
Battling with Buffalo Bill cinema ads film reviews
Battling with Buffalo Bill cinema ads film reviews
Battling with Buffalo Bill presskit

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2015-2025 Aventuras de Tom Tyler