Born to Battle (1935)

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Tom Saunders is a happy-go-lucky cowboy who gets arrested for tearing apart a Chinese laundry service - all because he wanted his shirt. As part of his arrest he can either spend a brief time in jail, or pay a fine. Not having the money for the fine, a manager from the Cattlemen's Association hires Tom in order to chase off nesters on a nearby ranch who are believed to be cattle rustlers. Once Tom discovers who the nesters are - pretty Betty Powell (Jean Carmen) and her grandfather George (Earl Dwire), he returns to the manager, explaining who they are. Tom uses his astute detective skills to find the real cattle rustler - Nate Lenox (Richard Alexander).

As in other movies made during this time period, Tom mounts his horse from the rear – a skill that requires talent. He also climbs a tree like a cat, then onto the roof of a house and jumps through the ceiling onto his prey (see Orphan of the Pecos).

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2015-2024 Aventuras de Tom Tyler