The Mummy's Hand (1940)

IMDB The Mummy's Hand

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Tom portrays the mummy in this movie, swathed in bandages from head to foot. It took a LOT of makeup to make him look ugly! His acting is certainly most impressive: his movements, the glittering eyes, his need to imbibe the elixir that George Zucco administers to him in order to keep him alive. More importantly, Tom has a non-speaking role in this movie; his silent film acting experience definitely benefits him here, for it takes considerable talent to act in a 'talkie' without using the voice. “The Mummy's Hand” is proof positive that Tom Tyler was a very versatile actor. Trivia: According to IMDB, Tom's eyes were “blacked out” using a camera technique in some scenes to make him seem even more frightening.

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The Mummy's Hand Did anyone notice that this sarcophagus is empty
The Mummy's Hand review A Cine Muda Brazil
The Mummy's Hand review A Cine Muda Brazil

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2015-2025 Aventuras de Tom Tyler