Tracy Rides (1935)
Tom Tracy is the local sheriff who is forced to arrest the brother (Edmund Cobb) of his fiancee (Virinia Brown Faire) for the murder of a sheepherder. Needless to say, this arrest places a wedge between Tom and Molly Hampton but for a more nefarious reason; she thinks her husband-to-be sides with the sheepherders while her own father (Charles K. French) is a cattleman. Due to an ongoing drought, both the cattle owners and sheep owners are vying for a strip of land where water is present - but comes at a high price.
Tom performs a number of entertaining stunts in this movie: although he is injured by a bullet he is able to capture and handcuff the perpetrator, sling him over the saddle of his horse, then climb up on the horse behind the saddle. In another scene, Tom manages to hide his slender frame beneath his fiancee's mattress in her bedroom which she lays on top of the mattress. Tom eventually finds himself tied up by the man he arrested and breaks loose in a unique manner: by lighting a match using his teeth, then lighting a candle with his teeth to burn through the rope his hands are anchored to.
Watch "Tracy Rides" at Youtube!

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2015-2025 Aventuras de Tom Tyler