West of Cimarron (1941)
The Civil War has ended, and the Three Mesquiteers - former soldiers - return home to Texas. Stony, Tucson and Lullaby discover that their friend Captain Hawks (Roy Barcroft) is behind the whole carpetbagger gang and find themselves aiding the bushwackers, who are really the ranch owners. Still politically incorrect in 1941, Lullaby appears in blackface selling watermelons in a cart being pulled by William the Goat (Billy Goat) in order to get Stony and Tucson out of jail. The watermelon ploy - guns buried in the melon portion - is what helps the friend break free from jail and catch Hawks. Watch for Tom leaping from a roof onto his horse. Also look for Lullaby disguised as a scarecrow in a cop field to throw off the enemy.
Watch "West of Cimarron" at Youtube!

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2015-2025 Aventuras de Tom Tyler